I find it interesting to see the intersection of thoughts and ideas. A few months ago, I was introduced to these two paintings depicting Martin Luther in his study, when he saw a demon and, reflexively, threw his inkstand at him. The inkstain was supposedly visible on the wall for centuries. Note the very different styles and artistic methods of communicating emotion and movement.
Tonight, as I was reading "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky, I came across a passage where one of the characters, Ivan--who many have been hallucinating--has a rather extensive conversation with a man who purports to be the Devil. Ivan snatches a glass from his table and flings it at the specter, who exclaims "ah, mais c'est bĂȘte enfin"...which, roughly translated, means "it's finally stupid." He then says "he remembered Luther's inkstand!"
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