I must admit, it is rare that I've fallen in love with an author as quickly as I have with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It usually takes me a few weeks or at least a few books of reading before I become completely enamored with what one person has to say on a subject. Not so with Bonhoeffer. Perhaps it is because I, like an insane person, am taking 4 credits during winter term. Perhaps it is because I am simultaneously working and interning at NLGlenside. Either way, I am blazing through books faster than I have since I started here at Westminster. Happily, this did not detract from my enjoyment or my edification from Bonhoeffer's book "Life Together." Almost as soon as I began reading, I realized that this book was packed with things I wanted to reference and remember. I was *underlining*. I am not always an underliner, but with "Life Together" it was an imperative. And since reading it on Sunday, I must have referenced it at least 4 times, all in different scenarios and situations--not even explicitly Christian settings, which I think is a mark of true versatility of an author, if their content can transpose contexts. The very fact that what he wrote has been on my brain all week also testifies to the merit of his work.
If you have not had the opportunity to read Bonhoeffer, I would say that "Life Together" is a good start. And if you have, and you have any suggestions on what I should read next, please let me know!
Westminster has fully assimilated you...we knew it would!
I read Life Together in high school (back in the 70s) and its influence remains with me to this day.
Life Together rocks. I need to re-read it (esp while living in 1 house with 8 other people!) Hope you're well dearest!
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