where to begin? school seems easiest. friday 4 May is our last day of class, though my last class was thursday night. i must say that i feel considerable relief at having them finished. don't get me wrong, i still have exams to face, but we have papers due the last week of class and studying for finals seems very straightforward as compared with writing papers. plus, two of my four exams are online, so my schedule loosens up a bit.
as for work, public schools still have 5 weeks left, so my work schedule will probably stay the same. i may be able to pick up the two afternoons that i had previously been unable to work because of classes. and then one of those weeks will have no babysitting, as my neighbors are taking a much-needed vacation at the shore. when the schools close i will start working at KidView's summer camp. i don't know yet what my schedule will look like, but i know that my summer involves at least one trip to NYC, one road trip to Chattanooga, TN, and hopefully lots of fun times around the Glenside-Philly area.
i think i am looking forward particularly to the summer because it will give me time to think and process these past few months. if you've kept up with my posts at all, you'll get an inkling of how discombobulated i've been feeling. i have had my first doubts about my calling to be a Biblical Counselor as well as doubts that i am even able to love people as Christ desires. this has been incredibly frustrating, and this frustration has been exascerbated by the simple lack of time to stop and attend to these thoughts. i know that i have been learning a lot in class but i am getting the feeling that i am learning so fast i'm not realizing the gravity or the effects of the material. this is rather like wolfing down food and benefiting from the nutrition but not finding time to savor and enjoy it... or to chew it properly, which could mean later indigestion.
i'm also trying to get used to the idea of having to move at the end of the summer and of having half of my friends up here graduating and moving away. good grief! talk about a social upheaval.
this past winter was really long. perhaps it's because i'm from the "south," but it took forever for spring to get here. now that it is, i am trying to enjoy it by keeping my windows open and taking walks around my neighborhood. though i definitely understand the metaphor the Lord has designed for us with the seasons, in that the length, cold, and darkness of the winter made me yearn even more for the coming of the spring. and how glorious for it to finally be here!
"consider the lilies, how they neither toil nor spin, yet i tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. but if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, o you of little faith!"
-Luke 12.27-28

1 comment:
Be assured, I read! I don't often know how to respond to these "slice of my life" blogs, but I do read those of people I care about. Keep writing!
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