Well, the year has come to a close, and this is my final post on the subject of Adventure and 2009. While I do not yet know what kind of shenanigans 2010 will bring us, I certainly look forward to finding out! And with any luck, you, my faithful readers, will be a part of it all. Below, find the list of things I wanted to accomplish during the past year...X's are things I got to do!
-Roadtrip to Boston X
-Drop everything and leave town XX
-Visit the West Coast X
-Buy a new car X
-Take up a new sport X
-Dance all night X
-Explore more of PA XX
-Visit the South XX
-Make 2+ trips to NYC X
-explore Philly XX
-Get Injured XX
-Go camping one week-end X
-Go to a shooting range
-Live a Sufjan Stevens song X
-More Rockclimbing, always. X
-go to a Celtic festival X
-Hike PA X
-Go Whitewater Rafting