I have decided that this year, my first out of school, will be a year of adventure. Perhaps it is because, for the first time, my week-ends and vacations are actually my own. Perhaps it is because I have a steady full-time income. Perhaps it is because I have a few adventurous friends who appreciate and encourage spontaneity. Perhaps it is because now that I am out of school, my life is pretty predictable and boring--no new classes or challenges. Who knows? Anyways, this is a list of a few things I would like to do (or have already done) this year, in no particular order. Items with an "X" have already been done, items with an "O" have plans made already. If you have comments, suggestions, or would like to join in--let me know!
-Roadtrip to Boston X
-Explore more of PA X/O
-Visit the West Coast O
-Go camping one week-end
-Buy a new car X
-Go to a shooting range
-Visit the South O
-Go back to Europe
-Live a Sufjan Stevens song
-Make 2+ trips to NYC O
-More Rockclimbing, always.
-go to a Celtic festival
-explore Philly X/O
-drop everything and leave town
-Visit the MidWest with Lizzy
-Hike PA