Monday, June 9, 2008

Miscellaneous News...

...or the lack thereof!

My missions trip to London has been pushed up by a few days, and is now from June 19-29. Please continue praying for our team, as we get to know each other, and as we struggle to raise the last of our support money. Many Thanks to those of you who have contributed, and to those who haven't, please consider doing so! I will be leading worship for the trip, so pray that I do not get sick while there and that my guitar does not get damaged, lost, or stolen. That would be terrible.

In other news, I have now had a Masters degree for 2 1/2 weeks and still have no job. I have had various and sundry interviews, but no offers yet. I beg your continued prayers for the Lord to open the right door(s) and close the wrong one(s). I am so thankful for the encouragement my friends, family, and church has offered me...I know the Lord will provide, but How Long?

Where Gas Prices are Hitting

here is an interesting tidbit from the